Universiti Technologi Malaysia
Faculty of Civil Engineering (FKA)

Mr. Faiz

Curriculum Vitae Research Teaching Publications

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Engineering Lab.


Mr.Faiz was born on 5 May 1987, Studied Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering (bachelors), Malaysian University of Technology (UTM) at present. He also was Diploma holder in Civil Engineering from Malaysian University of Technology (UTM).

The title of his final year research project was Application of simplify tool for participative water environment management. The latest activity related to his research area was water environmental monitoring workshop at Putrajaya.

He had been conducted mini water environmental monitoring workshop in UTM for Civil Engineering final year students.

Currently, he is a researcher under supervision of Associate Professor Dr. Akira Kikuchi from Malaysian University of Technology (UTM).

Majors: "Application of Simplify Environmental Monitoring tools on Participative Water Environment Management, which contribute new environmental movement, such as, Cooperative Environmental Strategy, Participative planning, Strategic Environmental Assessment".

Academic Qualifications
2010, Bachelor of Engineering, Universiti Technologi Malaysia
- Application of simplify tool for participative water environment management-

Academic Appointments

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Technologi Malaysia. Sukudai Johor, 81310 Malaysia
TEL.(hand phone) +60-
FAX +607-5531575
e-mail: xxxx@xxx.xxx.my

Research TOPICS
  • Application of Simplify Environmental Monitoring tools on Water Environment Management.
  • Cooperative Environmental Strategy
  • Participative planning and experience based learning

Curriculum Vitae(back to TOP)

Research(back to TOP)
By the year of 2020, Malaysia will be known as a fully developed country. For the time being, many developments have been carried out to fulfill the dream. Then, fully developed country or can be known as modern country will demand high motivated residents and excellent in every aspect (10th Malaysia Plan, 2010), including environment awareness.

Environmental degradation already has occurred worldwide as exchange with the mankind development including Malaysia. There should be equality between human development and environmental well being, especially in water environmental issues (EPU, 2004).
The difference water-environment awareness between ggoodh and gbadh must be interpreted according to the intended use of the water. Water monitoring help our society to assess the present level of water quality and our need to keep water gcleanh prompts us to actively protect and preserve our finite resources.

Of course, human like clean and beautiful places. From that point, we should preserve our green earth for future generation as it is toward achieving environmental sustainability goals (Musters, C. et al., 1998). Environmental changes have impacts to river water quality. Here, the new wave to aware ggoodh and gbadh state of water-environment in public lever is public involvements or public participation. An new wave of public environmental acts, such as bottom up environmental management scheme is now required, because of the limitation of its top-down scheme.

Thus, he is introducing new environmental tools that in order to enable public participation involvement in environmental management. A tool, which is called gPack Testh has chosen in this purpose. Because, the tool is considered to enable the leaner-centered practices, and experimental base education in environmental educational context (Kikuchi et al. 2010). His study will show,
  1. 1. the potential of Pack Test to enhance public knowledge about environment,
    2. the potential of Pack Test to enhance publicfs self motivated environment acts,
    3. and the matters to be attended to introduce Pack Test in Malaysia.
The Pack Test
Selected tool for his final year project is Kyoritsu chemical-check Lab. Corp.fs ion selective Pack Test. Water qualities can be measured onsite.

The pack test made in Kyoritsu chemical-check Lab. Corp, Japan (left). How to use Pack Test (from Kyoritsu chemical-check Lab. Corp.(right).The character of the Pack Test is rapid, easy to use, small, nontoxic, safety, low-cost, and anyone can use anywhere without any laboratory facilities. The menu is available more than 60, and almost all measurements can be carried out within 5 minutes. These characters are concluded as availability for simple-convenient, onsite and participative analysis.dd

Teaching(back to TOP)
He has held mini-work shop in a lecture of FKA, and has assisted a water-environment awarness program in Ptrajaya.
This report presents a summary of the 2 hours workshop held in a UTM lecture. Participants are 15 students.
. ==> Report.
This report presents a summary of the workshop that held in Putrajaya. It was attended by 80 participants.
. ==> Report.

Publications(back to TOP)
1. Bachelor Thesis
Application of Simplify Environmental Monitoring tools on Water Environment Management (in English)
*General introductions
*General discussions.
2. Journals

3. Proceedings

4. Invited speech (Ket note speechs)

5. Other munuscripts

10 Dec., 2010

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